In a previous post Sweetxml: Styling my WSRP portlets - does these CSS classes really give us common look-and-feel? I had a first look at the styling guidance that comes with portlet standards JSR-168 and WSRP V1. Here's a short description of two projects that I found actually use the CSS style classes.
JBoss Portal
In the JBoss Portal 2.6.2 - Reference Guide
under section Chapter 23. Layouts and Themes
the subsection 23.7.3. List of CSS Selectors. This is much more than described in the portlet specs since it covers the hole page and content elements that the JBoss Portal has for themes. The turnover to the portlet content is very clear, and the know classes are defined and some new ones like ex. the ones for the link pseudo-classes and some new ones called WSRP Selectors.
"insideMIT" Portal Project Notebook
This is an active project where the insideMIT Project Plan show that they are currently working on Phase 6: SAP integration - Add portlets that talk to SAP.
. Under Web Development Standards
the purpos is stated as:
- Promote a uniform look and feel across all enterprise web applications and web sites built by Administrative Computing.
- Promote uniformity of the code used in MIT Administrative Computing web applications. Specifically, to promote the production of well-formed web pages.
- Provide guidelines intended to reduce the work required to support multiple web browsers and platforms.
- Promote "best web" development practices.
This sounds very much like the intentions for the WSRP CSS-classes. This project uses some of the portlet CSS-classes as can be seen in Mapping of WSRP Classes to "Inside MIT" Applications
. It's under half of the CSS-classes they (re)use, and unfortunately there's no explanation to this, but I guess it's simply that they don't need more.
It's an intranet portal so I can't access and see the actual markup, but there's a short presentation of the InsideMIT Portal - hey no, it's publicly available but just not currently.
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