Friday, February 22, 2013

Mapping the sylabus for the ITIL Intermediate Capability Course: Release, Control and Validation (RCV)

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In January 2013 I completed the ITIL Foundation 2011 as a first step i learning ITIL. My next goal is one of the capability courses with a current preference on Release, Control and Validation Qualification (RCV), though it's said to one of the tougher ones. In my line of work I an involved in all the lifecycle stages, but if I were to choose another one i would be Operational Support and Analysis Qualification since I do quite a deal of Service Operation and it should be a bit easier.

I current plan to take a course in the early summer and have acquired the lifecycle and the key elements books. But it's a bit overwhelming even just starting on the Service Transition book, so I decided to map the mentioned sections from the Release, Control and Validation (RCV) Syllabus into the Table of contents of the Service Transition book.

I am going to read the hole book, but is a little surprised that not every part is mentioned in the syllabus.

  1. Introduction 1
    • 1.1 Overview 3 - RCV01
    • 1.2 Context 6
    • 1.3 ITIL in relation to other publications in the Best Management Practice portfolio 8
    • 1.4 Why is ITIL so successful? 10
    • 1.5 Chapter summary 10
  2. Service management as a practice 13
    • 2.1 Services and service management 15
    • 2.2 Basic concepts 22
    • 2.3 Governance and management systems 27
    • 2.4 The service lifecycle 30
  3. Service transition principles 35
    • 3.1 Policies for service transition 37
    • 3.2 Optimizing service transition performance 45
    • 3.3 Service transition inputs and outputs 46
  4. Service transition processes 49
    • 4.1 Transition planning and support 51 - RCV01
    • 4.2 Change management 60 - RCV02
    • 4.3 Service asset and configuration management 89 - RCV03
    • 4.4 Release and deployment management 114 - RCV05
    • 4.5 Service validation and testing 150 - RCV04
    • 4.6 Change evaluation 175 - RCV07
    • 4.7 Knowledge management 181 - RCV08
  5. Managing people through service transitions 197
    • 5.1 Managing communications and commitment 199
    • 5.2 Managing organization and stakeholder change 203 - RCV02
    • 5.3 Stakeholder management 215
  6. Organizing for service transition 219
    • 6.1 Organizational development 221
    • 6.2 Functions 221
    • 6.3 Organizational context for transitioning a service 222
    • 6.4 Roles 223 - RCV09
    • 6.5 Responsibility model – RACI 234
    • 6.6 Competence and training 234
    • 6.7 Service transition relationship with other lifecycle stages 236
  7. Technology considerations 239
    • 7.1 Knowledge management tools 242 - RCV10
    • 7.2 Collaboration 242 - RCV10
    • 7.3 Configuration management system 243 - RCV10
  8. Implementing service transition 245
    • 8.1 Key activities in the introduction of service transition 247
    • 8.2 An integrated approach to service transition processes 250
    • 8.3 Implementing service transition in a virtual or cloud environment 250
  9. Challenges, critical success factors and risks 253
    • 9.1 Challenges 255 - RCV10
    • 9.2 Critical success factors 255 - RCV10
    • 9.3 Risks 256 - RCV10
    • 9.4 Service transition under difficult conditions 256

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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ruzzle - observationer, del 1

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Dette er mine egne observationer med ord-spillet Ruzzle da jeg til min overraskelse ikke kunne finde andre kilder imodsætning til spillet Wordfeud hvor der findes en del hjælpe sider med tips og ideer.
Bemærk jeg har ingen relationer til de som har udviklet spillet og giver ingen garatier for at mine observationer er helt korrekte eller uden fejl.


Grundlæggende så får man point ved at danne ord og hvert ord får point ud fra tre elementer bogstaver, faktorer og ordlængde


Hvert bogstav har en fast værdi, som kan ses af nedenstående tabeller sorteret hhv. efter pointværdi og alfabetisk:

Jeg har ikke nogen statistik på hvor ofte de forskellige bogstaver forekommer men generelt kan der (i teorien) laves mellem 250-300 ord i en runde.


De enkelte bogstaver kan have faktorer:


Sidst gives der seperat ord for længden hvis den overstiger 4 bogstaver

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Efterlysning: har du set min Garmin Forerunner 305 med serienummeret 13V310633

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Midt i februar tabte jeg min Garmin Forerunner 305 i Roskilde. Jeg vil meget gerne have den tilbage og vil give en findeløn. Hvis du har fundet den så skriv til mig eller kommentér nedenfor.

På forhånd tak.

Med venlig hilsen
Brian Nielsen

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

How problems with the USB cable for my Garmin Forerunner 305 showed up

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Earlier this year I had major problems transferring data from my Garmin Forerunner 305 to my computer, after traying all kinds of installation changes I ended up buying a new USB cable and Voilá all problems were gone. Here's a couple of screenshots of how it looked.

It wouldn't be detected correctly:

and driver problems

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Yet Another Conconi Running Test

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What a difference a couple of days make or doing it a bit differently. Friday I did yet another Conconi running test, since the weather in Denmark currently is very training unfriendly AND I didn't really like the result of the previous one, so either it was bad or I had to reevaluate my status.

This one turned out to the better. For one I hadn't done any training since the last test Tuesday (that followed a tempo run on Sunday), so my legs were fresh. Second I figured out how to make the treadmill show distance all the time, and third I chose another approach for the test. The warm up thing didn't work out right the last time and normally I don't do that kind of separate warm up in a workout - I decided to just start out a little slower, here's the plan:

Dist (km)     - speed(km/h)
1.0 - 9,2
1,4 - 9,6
1,8 - 10.0
2,2 - 10,4
2,6 - 10,8
3,0 - 11,2
3,4 - 11,6
3,8 - 12,0
4,0 - 12,4
4,2 - 12,8
4,4 - 13,2
4,6 - 13,6
4,8 - 14,0
5,0 - 14,4
5,2 - 14,8
5,4 - 15,2
5,6 - 15,6

As can be seen on the splits, this plan gave me much short times at the speed above 12 km/h were I expect my AT, with the final ones on just 0.:45 versus the 2:00 minutes the last time. Clearly running longer at or above AT will increase HR and make it harder to endure further speed increase/time.

The workout graph was:

The most obvious difference was that I reached 15,6 km/h as top speed and my maximum HR was 168.
The recovery was just 16 bpm for the first 30 seconds and another 23 bpm in the next with a total of 39 in the first minute (versus the 59 bpm in the previous test!). Once more I did a short cool down interval of at 9 km/h not passing 140 bpm.

Two different test within 4 days with quite different results, the conclusion is blahhhhhh - I've improved :-).

Together with the other tests this enters as second best,and with a HR drop of app. 10 bpm at each speed level or app. 1.5 km/h faster per HR:

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