Being able to easily handle collections both in terms of functionality and performance is central to any computer language. Going from plain arrays with memory handling i C++ to the STL collection classes was a hurge lap forward. I practice I've used very few variants since much functionality is often handled in the persistens layer. C# and .NET has plenty of built-in collection classes, and it's practical to know and needed for the 70-536 Exam:
Developing applications that use system types and collections (15 percent)
- Manage a group of associated data in a .NET Framework application by using collections.
May include but is not limited to:ArrayList
class; Collection interfaces; Iterators; Hashtable class; CollectionBase class and ReadOnlyCollectionBase class; DictionaryBase class and DictionaryEntry class; Comparer class; Queue class; SortedList class; BitArray class; Stack class- Improve type safety and application performance in a .NET Framework application by using generic collections.
May include but is not limited to: Collection.Generic interfaces; Generic Dictionary; Generic Comparer class and Generic EqualityComparer class; Generic KeyValuePair structure; Generic List class, Generic List.Enumerator structure, and Generic SortedList class; Generic Queue class and Generic Queue.Enumerator structure; Generic SortedDictionary class; Generic LinkedList; Generic Stack class and Generic Stack.Enumerator structure- Manage data in a .NET Framework application by using specialized collections.
May include but is not limited to: Specialized String classes; Specialized Dictionary; Named collections; CollectionsUtil; BitVector32 structure and BitVector32.Section structure
In this post I'll run through the classes (and save the Interfaces, Base classes and further functionality for another post). First the four relevant namespaces:
- The
namespace contains interfaces and classes that define various collections of objects, such as lists, queues, bit arrays, hash tables and dictionaries. System.Collections.Generic
- The
namespace contains interfaces and classes that define generic collections, which allow users to create strongly typed collections that provide better type safety and performance than non-generic strongly typed collections. System.Collections.ObjectModel
- The
namespace contains classes that can be used as collections in the object model of a reusable library. Use these classes when properties or methods return collections. System.Collections.Specialized
- The
namespace contains specialized and strongly-typed collections; for example, a linked list dictionary, a bit vector, and collections that contain only strings.
Collection Classes
- ArrayList
- Implements the IList interface using an array whose size is dynamically increased as required.
- BitArray
- Manages a compact array of bit values, which are represented as Booleans, where true indicates that the bit is on (1) and false indicates the bit is off (0).
- Hashtable
- Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are organized based on the hash code of the key.
- Queue
- Represents a first-in, first-out collection of objects.
- SortedList
- Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are sorted by the keys and are accessible by key and by index.
- Stack
- Represents a simple last-in-first-out (LIFO) non-generic collection of objects.
- HybridDictionary
- Implements IDictionary by using a ListDictionary while the collection is small, and then switching to a Hashtable when the collection gets large.
- ListDictionary
- Implements IDictionary using a singly linked list. Recommended for collections that typically contain 10 items or less.
- NameValueCollection
- Represents a collection of associated String keys and String values that can be accessed either with the key or with the index.
- OrderedDictionary
- Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are accessible by the key or index.
- StringCollection
- Represents a collection of strings.
- StringDictionary
- Implements a hash table with the key and the value strongly typed to be strings rather than objects.
- ObservableCollection(T)
- Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.
- ReadOnlyObservableCollection(T)
- Represents a read-only ObservableCollection(T).
- Dictionary(TKey, TValue)
- Represents a collection of keys and values.
- HashSet(T)
- Represents a set of values.
- KeyedByTypeCollection(TItem)
- Provides a collection whose items are types that serve as keys.
- LinkedList(T)
- Represents a doubly linked list.
- List(T)
- Represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists.
- Queue(T)
- Represents a first-in, first-out collection of objects.
- SortedDictionary(TKey, TValue)
- epresents a collection of key/value pairs that are sorted on the key.
- SortedList(TKey, TValue)
- Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are sorted by key based on the associated IComparer(T) implementation.
- Stack(T)
- Represents a variable size last-in-first-out (LIFO) collection of instances of the same arbitrary type.
- SynchronizedCollection(T)
- Provides a thread-safe collection that contains objects of a type specified by the generic parameter as elements
- SynchronizedKeyedCollection(K, T)
- Provides a thread-safe collection that contains objects of a type specified by a generic parameter and that are grouped by keys.
- SynchronizedReadOnlyCollection(T)
- Provides a thread-safe, read-only collection that contains objects of a type specified by the generic parameter as elements.
What should I choose and when?
I am no expert, but I would use on of the generic variants if possible, since I like strong types (type-safe) and I even more hate those pesky casts from Object
into a magical and sometimes unknown class. Infact I can't see no reason not to, since if it's bumped together in a collection I expect them to be related at least by an Interface.
In C++ I got away with something like 92% Vectors, 6% Maps and a minority of other collections from STL. In practical C# I'll probably do more or less the same, but for the Exam I'll probably have to learn the more odd ones, not that I mind using a Queue or Stack where it fits. My aversion for linked Lists has probably something to do with it being a little harder to iterate in C++ and this is most definitely much easier in the newer C#/.NET.
I've later found a good resource on Collection Classes (C# Programming Guide) that among other has a reference to the guide: Selecting a Collection Class.